Temple of Venus Ceremony


Step into the transformative and empowering world of the Temple of Venus, a sacred spiritual ceremony designed to dissolve emotional blockages from past relationships, activate your sexual chakras, foster spiritual development, and unlock the gates to your abundance mindset. In this profound experience, we draw inspiration from Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, abundance, desire, fertility, and finances.

Venus, often associated with the planet of the same name, rules relationships astrologically. She fearlessly embraces her raw and naked form, encouraging us to shed societal shame surrounding our natural bodies and embrace our true selves. The floral water ceremony bath, a central element of this ritual, allows participants to wear undergarments for comfort and privacy, symbolizing a sacred connection to their bodies.

Venus, born of the water, symbolizes the female principle. Water, as a metaphor for receiving and creation, embodies abundance, sensitivity, psychic energy, and adaptability. As women and birthers, we tap into the deep waters of creation and imagination. By working directly with Venus, we learn to be better receivers, lovers, and mothers to ourselves and others. Venus' twin flame, the Earth, further emphasizes cosmic balance and upliftment.

The guided meditative ceremony immerses participants in the radiant waters of a floral bath, creating a sacred space to connect with Goddess Venus and experience her loving energy. Daily inspiration, divine love, and feminine healing are woven throughout this luminous journey. The intentions set during the ceremony focus on embodying the archetypes of pleasure, sensuality, sexuality, creativity, and intuition.

To connect with Venus is to embrace a fiery and bountiful love. The Temple of Venus ceremony serves as a vibrant energy ritual, releasing old connections from past lovers, healing tainted relationships, and dismantling inhibitions that may have created a self-imposed fear of love. Open your heart to receive the transformative love of Venus, allowing her energy to guide you towards profound healing and a renewed sense of self. Step into the Temple of Venus and rediscover the joy of love, connection, and abundance.

We invite you to join us for a scheduled Zoom meeting where we will delve into the intuitive selection of flowers and explore the symbolism of colors for our upcoming sacred Temple of Venus ceremony. This meeting aims to create a collaborative space for participants to contribute their insights and preferences, ensuring a personalized and meaningful experience.


1. Introduction to the Temple of Venus Ceremony

- Brief overview of the spiritual journey. A date and time of ceremony will be confirmed.

- Importance of flower symbolism in the ceremony

2. Flower Selection Process

- Understanding the intuitive and symbolic significance of flowers

3. Color Symbolism Exploration

- Exploring the energetic impact of colors in the context of the ceremony

4. Collective Intentions

- Setting intentions for the ceremony based on the chosen flowers and colors

- Creating a harmonious and personalized atmosphere in your space or travel to Colorado and at your rental the ceremony will be conducted.

5. Q&A Session

- Providing an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share thoughts

By actively participating in this Zoom meeting, you contribute to the co-creation of a unique and transformative Temple of Venus experience. We value your input and look forward to weaving together a tapestry of flowers and colors that resonate with the collective energy of the group.

Please RSVP at this email lifeforceenergy7@gmail.com with subject Temple of Venus Ceremony, confirming your attendance at the scheduled Zoom meeting. We anticipate a vibrant and insightful discussion as we prepare to embark on this sacred journey together.

With love and anticipation,

Jess & Helena

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Step into the transformative and empowering world of the Temple of Venus, a sacred spiritual ceremony designed to dissolve emotional blockages from past relationships, activate your sexual chakras, foster spiritual development, and unlock the gates to your abundance mindset. In this profound experience, we draw inspiration from Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, abundance, desire, fertility, and finances.

Venus, often associated with the planet of the same name, rules relationships astrologically. She fearlessly embraces her raw and naked form, encouraging us to shed societal shame surrounding our natural bodies and embrace our true selves. The floral water ceremony bath, a central element of this ritual, allows participants to wear undergarments for comfort and privacy, symbolizing a sacred connection to their bodies.

Venus, born of the water, symbolizes the female principle. Water, as a metaphor for receiving and creation, embodies abundance, sensitivity, psychic energy, and adaptability. As women and birthers, we tap into the deep waters of creation and imagination. By working directly with Venus, we learn to be better receivers, lovers, and mothers to ourselves and others. Venus' twin flame, the Earth, further emphasizes cosmic balance and upliftment.

The guided meditative ceremony immerses participants in the radiant waters of a floral bath, creating a sacred space to connect with Goddess Venus and experience her loving energy. Daily inspiration, divine love, and feminine healing are woven throughout this luminous journey. The intentions set during the ceremony focus on embodying the archetypes of pleasure, sensuality, sexuality, creativity, and intuition.

To connect with Venus is to embrace a fiery and bountiful love. The Temple of Venus ceremony serves as a vibrant energy ritual, releasing old connections from past lovers, healing tainted relationships, and dismantling inhibitions that may have created a self-imposed fear of love. Open your heart to receive the transformative love of Venus, allowing her energy to guide you towards profound healing and a renewed sense of self. Step into the Temple of Venus and rediscover the joy of love, connection, and abundance.

We invite you to join us for a scheduled Zoom meeting where we will delve into the intuitive selection of flowers and explore the symbolism of colors for our upcoming sacred Temple of Venus ceremony. This meeting aims to create a collaborative space for participants to contribute their insights and preferences, ensuring a personalized and meaningful experience.


1. Introduction to the Temple of Venus Ceremony

- Brief overview of the spiritual journey. A date and time of ceremony will be confirmed.

- Importance of flower symbolism in the ceremony

2. Flower Selection Process

- Understanding the intuitive and symbolic significance of flowers

3. Color Symbolism Exploration

- Exploring the energetic impact of colors in the context of the ceremony

4. Collective Intentions

- Setting intentions for the ceremony based on the chosen flowers and colors

- Creating a harmonious and personalized atmosphere in your space or travel to Colorado and at your rental the ceremony will be conducted.

5. Q&A Session

- Providing an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share thoughts

By actively participating in this Zoom meeting, you contribute to the co-creation of a unique and transformative Temple of Venus experience. We value your input and look forward to weaving together a tapestry of flowers and colors that resonate with the collective energy of the group.

Please RSVP at this email lifeforceenergy7@gmail.com with subject Temple of Venus Ceremony, confirming your attendance at the scheduled Zoom meeting. We anticipate a vibrant and insightful discussion as we prepare to embark on this sacred journey together.

With love and anticipation,

Jess & Helena

Step into the transformative and empowering world of the Temple of Venus, a sacred spiritual ceremony designed to dissolve emotional blockages from past relationships, activate your sexual chakras, foster spiritual development, and unlock the gates to your abundance mindset. In this profound experience, we draw inspiration from Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, abundance, desire, fertility, and finances.

Venus, often associated with the planet of the same name, rules relationships astrologically. She fearlessly embraces her raw and naked form, encouraging us to shed societal shame surrounding our natural bodies and embrace our true selves. The floral water ceremony bath, a central element of this ritual, allows participants to wear undergarments for comfort and privacy, symbolizing a sacred connection to their bodies.

Venus, born of the water, symbolizes the female principle. Water, as a metaphor for receiving and creation, embodies abundance, sensitivity, psychic energy, and adaptability. As women and birthers, we tap into the deep waters of creation and imagination. By working directly with Venus, we learn to be better receivers, lovers, and mothers to ourselves and others. Venus' twin flame, the Earth, further emphasizes cosmic balance and upliftment.

The guided meditative ceremony immerses participants in the radiant waters of a floral bath, creating a sacred space to connect with Goddess Venus and experience her loving energy. Daily inspiration, divine love, and feminine healing are woven throughout this luminous journey. The intentions set during the ceremony focus on embodying the archetypes of pleasure, sensuality, sexuality, creativity, and intuition.

To connect with Venus is to embrace a fiery and bountiful love. The Temple of Venus ceremony serves as a vibrant energy ritual, releasing old connections from past lovers, healing tainted relationships, and dismantling inhibitions that may have created a self-imposed fear of love. Open your heart to receive the transformative love of Venus, allowing her energy to guide you towards profound healing and a renewed sense of self. Step into the Temple of Venus and rediscover the joy of love, connection, and abundance.

We invite you to join us for a scheduled Zoom meeting where we will delve into the intuitive selection of flowers and explore the symbolism of colors for our upcoming sacred Temple of Venus ceremony. This meeting aims to create a collaborative space for participants to contribute their insights and preferences, ensuring a personalized and meaningful experience.


1. Introduction to the Temple of Venus Ceremony

- Brief overview of the spiritual journey. A date and time of ceremony will be confirmed.

- Importance of flower symbolism in the ceremony

2. Flower Selection Process

- Understanding the intuitive and symbolic significance of flowers

3. Color Symbolism Exploration

- Exploring the energetic impact of colors in the context of the ceremony

4. Collective Intentions

- Setting intentions for the ceremony based on the chosen flowers and colors

- Creating a harmonious and personalized atmosphere in your space or travel to Colorado and at your rental the ceremony will be conducted.

5. Q&A Session

- Providing an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share thoughts

By actively participating in this Zoom meeting, you contribute to the co-creation of a unique and transformative Temple of Venus experience. We value your input and look forward to weaving together a tapestry of flowers and colors that resonate with the collective energy of the group.

Please RSVP at this email lifeforceenergy7@gmail.com with subject Temple of Venus Ceremony, confirming your attendance at the scheduled Zoom meeting. We anticipate a vibrant and insightful discussion as we prepare to embark on this sacred journey together.

With love and anticipation,

Jess & Helena

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